When you modify a certain piece of hardware for better performance, it is often referred to as tweaking it. Overclocking the computer's CPU or changing ...
If you tweak something, especially part of someone's body, you hold it between your finger and thumb and twist it or pull it. He tweaked Guy's ear roughly.
2024年3月3日 — Replace 60 with the percentage you want charging to stop while 0 to resume charging. 1 to immediately activate bypass charging. This is better ...
High quality example sentences with “tweak the system” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write ...
a slight change to something, especially in order to make it more correct, effective, or suitable: We make tweaks to the menu as needed. Experts say the system ...
Tweaking refers to fine-tuning or adjusting a complex system, usually an electronic device. Tweaks are any small modifications intended to improve a system.